Standard Force Training Academy
Teaching gun safety is our duty!
Gun Safety starts with efficient training!
About Us
Welcome to Standard Force Training Academy! You’re well on your way to earning your Concealed Carry License!
Our goal is to help you get your concealed carry license by giving you all the information you need about training requirements and classes in your state.
Every state has different rules and laws when it comes to carrying concealed, and each have different training requirements.

Main CCL course:
This course is designed to satisfy the requirements to obtain an Illinois Concealed Carry License. The course consists of both classroom work and range work. Students will be required to successfully complete the course and a practical range of proficiency requirements. Students must read, write notes and comprehend all
Illinois Laws and be able to follow all of the directions given by the training staff.
Our Mission
Standard Force Training Academy provides not only the required curriculum training that is mandated by the State of Illinois’ Concealed Carry License Laws but also advises the students on other issues such as Safe gun handling, gun etiquette, use of force, and the law and gun liability. Our classes will be tailored to satisfy any of our student's individual lifestyle needs. Our class is set up to provide the student with a total experience, including completing all training necessary for the following firearm licenses: Illinois Concealed Carry License, Utah Firearm Permit, NRA Basics Pistol Shooting Phase II Course. We also have Fingerprinting Services (Live Scan), Photos, and assistance with applications
To Attend Our Courses
*At least 18 years of age (You cannot apply for the license until the age of 21)
* Possess a valid Firearm Owner Identification Card (or apply during the 1stday of class)
* Possess a valid Illinois State Identification or Drivers License
*Not be prohibited by State or Federal Law from legally possessing a firearm.
*Physically capable of safely and effectively operating a firearm
Law Enforcement Family Discount
Member of the Law Enfocement family get $50 off the 1st course. Must have proof
Daily Schedule & Weekend Classes
9am-5pm | Illinois Concealed Carry (Sat & Sun)
9am-4 pm | 20 Hours Basic Security (By Appointment)
9am-4pm | 28 Hour Firearms Training (By App)
10am-1pm | 3-Hour Renewal Conceal Carry Course (By Appointment)
Baton, Handcuff, OC Pepper Stay Training (App Only)
Basic Firearm Training (Appointment Only)
Womens Firearm Training & Maintenance (App Only)
Standard Force Training Academy is Now Offering
Group Rates for the Illinois Concealed Carry
Any group 10 or more we will come to the location of your choice.
The course is 16 hours split into two 8 hours days for the
Illinois Concealed Carry Course
The Host of the group will receive his/her course for FREE
Group Prices
$190 per person
For groups of 7-10
$175 per person
For groups of 11-20
$150 per person
For groups of 21+
Each individual is responsible for their own range fees and ammo, we will provide Targets, eyes and ear protection. Please bring your firearm on the second day of class if you own one if you do not own a firearm we'll provide you with one to use.